
Get the list of configured policies over API

This method allows retrieving the list of consents (referred as "policies" in this context) configured in the Cloud4Wi account, including the default one and the custom-defined ones.

The first 3 consents returned by the method are always the ones referring to:

  • terms of use ("termsOfUse")

  • privacy policy ("privacy")

  • marketing ("marketing")

As a reminder, to create a Customer is always mandatory to set the privacy policy and the terms of use to true.

     * Get list of configured policies over API
     * @param onSuccess - invoked if policies list was successfully obtained
     * @param onError - invoked if exception occurred
     * @return future with list of policies
    public Future<List<String>> getListOfPolicies(Callback<List<String>> onSuccess, Callback<MobileSDKException> onError);

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