Work location

Get work location

//importing the framework
import GeoUniq


let work: GUWorkLocation? = GeoUniq.sharedInstance().getWorkLocation()


Set work location listener

//importing the framework
import GeoUniq


GeoUniq.sharedInstance().setWorkLocationListener(listener: ClassTest)


where ClassTest is conform to protocol GUWorkLocationListener:

 *  Delegate to implement in order to receive callbacks for the work location updates
@objc public protocol GUWorkLocationListener {
	 Public constructor
	@objc init()
	 Called when a new work location is detected
	 - parameter work: Work location detected
	@objc func onNewWorkLocationDetected(work: GUWorkLocation) -> ()

Remove work location listener

//importing the framework
import GeoUniq


GeoUniq.sharedInstance().removeWorkLocationListener(listener: ClassTest)


Get work location listeners

//importing the framework
import GeoUniq


let workLocationListeners: [GUWorkLocation]? = GeoUniq.sharedInstance().getWorkLocationListeners()


Remove work location listeners

//importing the framework
import GeoUniq




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