
This document contains technical guidelines on how to use Cloud4Wi development tools, including APIs, Webhooks, Mobile SDKs and MyApps


Cloud4Wi WiFi SDK is a convenient Software Development Kit that helps you easily add seamless and secure WiFi connectivity to mobile apps and unlocks location services regardless of OS location permissions


Location SDK

Cloud4Wi Location SDK (referred to as "GeoUniq") helps you easily add location tracking to your app, overcoming native OS location tracking performances and capabilities.

Location SDK

Platform APIs

Platforms APIs allow managing Cloud4Wi resources programmatically, including places, contacts, moments and logs.

API Reference


Webhooks allow integrating real-time events with your own data stack to unlock real-time and context-aware applications such as:

  • trigger communications in real-time in your Marketing automation tool

  • synch Contacts in real-time with your CRMS as soon as a person sign up

  • feed Contact Profiles in real-time to clienteling interfaces when a person arrives in a location


Demo toolkit

Use Cloud4Wi demo apps for iOS and Android to test Cloud4Wi geofencing before integrating the SDK, or to test your implementation of Cloud4Wi side-by-side with a complete implementation

Demo toolkit


Create and publish custom context-aware content during the WiFi onboarding or on the dashboard


Last updated