WiFi Connections represent every single instance a Contact connect to a WiFi service, either via captive portal, WiFi SDK, WPA2 Enterprise or Passpoint.
Retrieve all WiFi connection of the organization Role: Organization Manager Scope: organization_read, customer_read
id of the organization (aka tenant)
The sid can be used to retrieve a large number of results from a search request. Read here to get more information about how to use the sid
Number of WiFi Connections returned by the request. Allowed values between 1 and 10000. It is not possible to change this values during a scrolling.
Return WiFi Connections occurred on a specific Location Id
Return WiFi Connections occurred on a specific Access Point Id
Return WiFi Connections with date >= of request. Format is date iso8601. Eg: 2019-07-31T22:23:24Z' or '2019-07-31' but is necessary set timezone
Return WiFi Connections with creation date >= of request. Format is date iso8601. Eg: 2019-07-31T22:23:24Z' or '2019-07-31' but is necessary set timezone